Comments 7

  • That is one cool looking pumpkin. was that all hand-done by the ninja in the photo below?

  • She had a little help from her mom.

  • Well done!!

    I have trouble chopping a pumpkin for dinner, let alone making it a work of art!

  • There are kits you can get here in the US called Pumpkin Masters. It includes a pattern and special carving knives, which makes doing an elaborate design fairly easy. I don’t know why I’m telling you this; I should’ve let you think I was a cool artist type. 😀

  • Well, maybe if I could get hold of one of those kits, then people might think I’m a cool artist type. 😉

    But I somehow think it still requires skill!

  • I definitely wouldn’t want to mess with a pumpkin like that (the one on the bottom, I mean).