Year archives: 2003


1. My hubby has a sick sense of humor. 2. Wil Wheaton writes a letter to That Guy who is also known as “that poor bastard who caught the ball at the Cubs game.”

The Snowball Effect

I lied today. Unintentionally. Here’s what happened: I’m patiently listening to a lady named Janet tell me all about her life. I’m nodding graciously at intervals to show my interest and widening my eyes at all the appropriate moments. In case you can’t tell, I pride myself on my listening skills. So, I’m nodding along, …

Confusion Sets In

Savant? Or, are these folks practically pissing themselves over a kid scribbling with paint? I can’t help but be skeptical. Maybe the art critic is getting a cut and laughing all the way to the bank? But, I know less than squat about art, so I put it to you. Bullshit or not?

You Didn’t Hear It From Me

Psst. Yeah, you. You know that actor Tom Arnold who used to be married to Rosanne Barr? Lower your inner voice. I don’t want him to hear us. Yeah, so, I think he’s on coke. I shit you not. I just watched him on The Ellen Degeneres Show. He says he is smoking a lot …

Recipes Section

I’m tinkering with a recipes section. I said I’d have one months ago, and today is finally the day. There’s only one recipe in there right now, but I’ll be adding to it frequently until I either run out of recipes or bore of typing them in. I know this doesn’t count as a real …

Vegan Lemon Cake

Ingredients: 1 large lemon (juice and rind) 1 ½ cups all purpose flour 1 cup sugar 1 tsp. baking soda 6 tbsp. vegetable oil 1 tsp. vinegar (Yep, vinegar, but I promise you, you won’t taste it.) 1 tsp. vanilla Water Preheat oven to 350°. Put flour, sugar and baking soda into a mixing bowl. …