I Want a Robot Army for Christmas
I guess this would be a helpful innovation for the disabled, but I think it will also be a great boon to any dark overlord who might enjoy having a robot army that he could control with his thought projections.
A bored housewife jousts at windmills, pokes fun at everything from leg wax to Miss Manners.
I guess this would be a helpful innovation for the disabled, but I think it will also be a great boon to any dark overlord who might enjoy having a robot army that he could control with his thought projections.
I’m told that, when I was one, I had an awesome birthday. I was trying to walk across the floor and fell into my birthday cake and just dug right in and began to eat it. It must’ve been a helluva good time. Unfortunately, I don’t remember any of this. To this day, Mom regrets …