I’ve decided what to be for Halloween. I’m going to be the lunch lady. My costume will go perfectly with Michael’s bio-hazard suit, since most of the food served in a school cafeteria is dangerous to consume.
A bored housewife jousts at windmills, pokes fun at everything from leg wax to Miss Manners.
I’ve decided what to be for Halloween. I’m going to be the lunch lady. My costume will go perfectly with Michael’s bio-hazard suit, since most of the food served in a school cafeteria is dangerous to consume.
Oh, this could be fun. Bone up on “Lunchlady Doris” from the Simpsons and make sure you have the “cigarette with a 4″ dangling ash” hanging precariously over the plate as you dole out the nondescript substance leftover from Moby’s recent kill.
Please post pictures!
I’ll try to do the character justice. Sure I’ll post some pictures. I hope I can acquire some sort of fake road kill like you suggested. That would be hilarious. 🙂