Year archives: 2003

Things to Do

This is far more than likely of interest to nobody but me. It’s just a list of things I’d like to do someday. Some are more far-fetched than others. Take a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon See the Olympics Ride The Orient Express Join the mile high club Go to Mardi Gras Ride a …

Optimist or Pessimist?

I have a laundry basket that is one third of the way full – or two thirds of the way empty, depending on how you look at the problem – of socks that do not match. I cannot bring myself to simply throw them all away, because as soon as I do I will find …

This Cat Is Hip…Er, Dog Is Hip…Nevermind

It must already be too cold outside for our dog, Max. He has taken to howling mournfully to be let back into the house as soon as he finishes doing whatever business he has in the back yard. He sounds like a coyote or a fire-truck siren, depending on the urgency of his desire to …

I Offended Someone

Someone commented that I am sick, because my site is frequented by cannibals, perverts and people with hairy legs. Whoever reads my site is more than welcome, and yet people who use twisted logic like that in an attempt to insult me will be laughed at, privately or openly, depending on how stupid I think …

Misty Watercolored Memories*

I don’t have too many memories of my childhood. My sister will mention things that supposedly happened when we were kids, and I’ll usually pretend to remember after she throws out enough details that I begin to feel humiliated at having absolutely no recollection of anything she is talking about. In fact, I can never …