Year archives: 2003

Breaking Ties

My head just exploded. I am so sick of dealing with these idiots that I am having a Tasmanian Devil moment here. Taking deep cleansing breaths isn’t helping. I’ll hyperventilate long before I calm down. I can’t even bring myself to tell you the story, my friends. The road is so long and fraught with …


Ultimately, we are all the generic brand, no matter what labels we try to apply to each other. Thanks for saying it so very well, Wil. Love to all on this somber anniversary.


I’ve had to attend traffic school so many times that I should have earned a degree by now. The reason being that my foot gets very heavy when I drive. I signal, I don’t weave in and out of traffic, and I don’t tail-gate. But, the foot is heavy. Last Thanksgiving, The Watterson Expressway was …

Almost Famous

I invited Jules of lily white intentions to come over and interview me. I’m practicing for the day when I leap out of obscurity and into the spotlight…I feel it coming together. People will see me and cry. Fame! If you’d like to be interviewed, the following rules apply: 1. If you want to participate, …