Year archives: 2003

Peanut Butter In My Chocolate

I watch the sci-fi channel a lot now. I have always loved certain shows like MST 3K, but I used to draw certain lines. For example, I would leave the room if my husband, Michael, was watching a particularly bad Deep Space Nine episode or something of equal yawn value. But, now I sit through …

Taking a Chill Pill

My husband, for fear that I’m going to blow a gasket over some political issue, has suggested a way to both shut me up about it and make me happy at the same time. He really is a genius. He suggested that – although he has never voted before in his life – he will …

Photo Gallery In Progress

My hubby has been working on a photo gallery for me. It’s accessible and functional now, but still a work in progress. Our pics may only be of interest to family and friends. But, if you don’t know us personally, you could always print them out and use them to scare off vampires, demons, Jehovah’s …

The War Is Not Over For Our Soldiers

Just letting you know that our troops who must remain in Iraq are in my heart and mind today. Morale is low there. Keep them in your prayers or send them some good energy. I can’t imagine how frightened and homesick they must feel. Punishing them for speaking out about how much they want to …