Monthly archives: January, 2004


While we were waiting for our meals to arrive at The Spaghetti Factory, Michael told me this joke: “There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who know Binary and those who don’t.” Then he went on to explain how 10 is 2 in Binary, and that’s why the joke is funny. I …

Making Amends

While basking in the kind linkage that Scott-San tossed my way, it occurred to me what a loser I was for not having linked to the site that contained the original post that contained this brilliant ad therein. Did you get all that? Good. I’m done then.

Things That Go Bump…

Our dog is learning to do that Russian Dance. You know the one. That dance where they link arms and kick. Not to be confused with that dance they do in Las Vegas where they link arms and kick. The primary difference between the two dances is the number of titties you can see on …

Naw, Hon, You Look Great

I’m choosing not to watch the State of the Union Address tonight. If I decide I want to be lied to, I’ll just ask my husband if my ass looks fat in the jeans I’m wearing. But, I must recommend that everyone click on this link. It contains the most accurate reporting I’ve seen in …

So Many Issues I Could Fill a Newsstand

How do you know if you are too obsessed with your computer in general? For starters, you post a picture of your main Everquest character onto your blog. Isn’t Migli Wiglitoes a cute little Hobbit? The dragon was friendly, so I immediately struck a pose next to it.