Year archives: 2004


My largest piece of luggage is much to big to be allowed as a carry-on, yet the airlines are forced to let me onto planes with it. It is, of course, my mouth. I use it to tote things around like I’m a golden retriever or something. If my hands are full, my teeth will …

Stuff Clanking Around in My Head

I have memorized some things over the years to keep myself company when I get lonely. The lyrics to the M.A.S.H. theme. Yep, there are lyrics and I know ’em. The lyrics to Nena’s “99 Red Balloons” in the original German. In German it’s called “99 Luftballoons.” The title actually translates to “99 Air Balloons.” …

1,200 Give Or Take 100

Dear dear dear Readers, I feel so close to you all. That’s why I know I can ask you or tell you anything. So, here’s the thing. When I post something long and rambling like I did yesterday, could you kindly wait 6-8 hours before you read it? You see, during that time, I’ll notice …

Trouble in Paradise

ADULT CONTENT This one’s for you, Jules: Beautiful people abound in Hawaii. They are everywhere. I honestly thought almost everyone there was worthy of a full-color poster. I admit I was more than a little enamored with my companion and with the island itself. Perhaps my good feeling transposed itself onto everything and everyone around …


I’ve determined the best way for someone to murder me. Just leave a poisoned pastry somewhere in my house. Never questioning where it came from, I’d smile at my good luck and gobble it right down. Hmm. This probably falls into the category of things I shouldn’t reveal in my weblog. But, hey, if you …