Year archives: 2004

I’m a Sucker for an Electric Violin

Last night we saw The Trans-Siberian Orchestra. By the end of the evening, I was like, “Dude, have you seen my pantyhose? They got ROCKED OFF!” If you ever get an opportunity to see them – go. This has been a public service announcement.

Try Try Again

You know the kind of people who want everybody to like them? The ones who are annoying, because they try way too hard? You feel sorry for them, because how pathetic is that, right? I’m one of them. What’s more, it’s beginning to pay off!!! Yay! See, I’ve been at my new job for about …

Uncle Bick

My uncle Bick died twice. The last time I saw him alive, he pulled me into a corner of the small room where we were celebrating the holiday, away from the rest of the family, and he asked me bluntly if I believed in God. It seemed an odd question to ask at a Christmas …

My Fellow Americans: What Gives?

So, today, right after I found out that I would have four more years of restless nights to look forward to, some moron drove up next to me honking and making a “W” with her hands. I guess I was feeling a little shock and awe, because I almost didn’t get my finger up in …