Category «General»

Moneeey. It’s a Gas.

I married a man who injects reality into even the most whimsical of conversations.  It is not lack of imagination on his part. In fact, it is an excess of imagination that circles back around until it meets some mundane detail and gets stuck there. This is why we have had arguments about lottery money …


An old snapshot shows my grandfather standing over an Easter egg.  He has gently placed his foot on it.  It is there for me to “find”.  I had been running around wildly – never stopping to really look. This is what I remember most about Papaw. He was a compass in my life and a constant.  He was the north star. …


The girl screeched out, “Oh Charlotte!” ran over to my daughter and squeezed her in a way that’s usually reserved for returning hostages or POWs.  No more than two seconds later, no less than two other girls see my daughter and react to her in much the same way the first girl did. Charlotte had just …

Lawyers, Guns and Money (Or Three Things I Don’t Have)

My husband and I discuss two possible futures for ourselves when we’re old and retired. One is far more likely to happen than the other. In one scenario, we own a giant mobile home that’s completely solar powered and we drive around the states, looking for adventures. We’re just like Cain from “Kung Fu” or Jules from …


My sister and I used to fight for who got to sleep on top bunk. The person who ended up getting stuck on bottom bunk would put her feet between the slats and lift the mattress so that the person on top couldn’t enjoy the victory too much. One of the things I miss – …

Counting on Carbs to Save My Life

Let’s say there’s this person who is driving home from Kroger, and this hypothetical person is just famished. She’s only had oatmeal for breakfast and it’s nearing half past twelve. We’re talking near starvation here. Half past twelve, mind you. She’s nearing a faint. Now what if this resourceful woman were to dig into a …