Category «General»

Fair and Balanced Snappy Answers

I just noticed when doing a google search that FOX News has a section called “Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions”. Gee, I hope Mad Magazine comes forward with a frivolous law suit. I’ll take Alfred E. Newman over Bill O’Reilly any old day.

Ode to Joy

I found my glasses, not only in the last place I looked, but coincidentally in exactly the same place I had looked a dozen times previously. I was contemplating removing the engine from my car so that I could search underneath when I put my hand in the space under my radio one last time …

Have You Seen Them?

Sing this as you would the chorus of, “Have You Seen Her?” by the Chilites. Have you seen them? Oh, I check lost and found everywhere I go In a restaurant or even at a picture show Have you seen them? Tell me have you seen them? Oh, I search my car both high and …

Where Is Silent Bob?

We saw Freddy Vs. Jason, and although it failed to be entertaining overall, there was one character in it that interested me. He was very much like the Jay character in the Kevin Smith movies i.e. Clerks, Mallrats, Dogma. By the way, if you haven’t seen Clerks yet, go buy the dvd and watch it. …

A Blog in Need…

I still remember that joyous day when Sean first linked to me. I was so happy to find that anyone actually read this and that I wasn’t just typing into a void. So, I’m paying it forward, if you will. Here.