Category «General»

Yay, me!

I hit the 1000 mark on my counter. If you have a minute, pat me on the back while you’re here. I’m so happy! In the words of Stuart Smalley, “I’m good enough. I’m smart enough. And doggone it, people like me.” Thanks to everyone who reads my stuff and/or actually links to my site. …

*Arnold’s Butt 2004

I am a liberal. Yeah, I said it. Lib-er-al. I know that being liberal now translates to mean unpatriotic. If in order to say I love my country, I have to say I love George W. Bush too, I guess I’m unpatriotic. What a bummer. I never wanted to be unpatriotic. It just happened. It …

Annoying Link Removed

Here’s why I removed the Mark Twain 2004 button from my site. Every time I clicked on the link button to enter the site, I was the 1,000,000th visitor. Click on the link in this post and you too can be the 1,000,000th visitor to the site. Maybe I’m just jealous. My site still hasn’t …

Conspiracy Theorist Testifies

My previous post has something to do with my pet conspiracy theory of the day. I know even in the process of writing said drivel that I’m being just a little paranoid. But, I cannot stop myself. I like Malcolm in the Middle, because I can relate to the characters at times. The episode description …

Monopoly and Life – Two Different Games

In Monopoly if there is a bank error in your favor, you collect $200 dollars. In real life if there is a bank error in your favor and you spend the money, you go directly to jail without passing go. The sad part to me is this. If they screwed up his account, why is …

Solarcaine and Cigarettes

The plaid suit jacket was purple and blue. It was wool with polyester lining, and it was four sizes too big for me. It was sort of David Byrnesque. You remember the Talking Heads video Once in a Lifetime, right? That was way back in the eighties when we all thought video had killed the …