Wax On, Wax Off

Up until last night, I have always used mens’ disposable razors. Although I am a woman, lady razors do not remove what I must assume to be the masculine hair on my legs. Maybe the lady razors are too gentle for my butch, iron pumping hair follicles to take seriously. I cut myself shaving quite …

Spoiled Rotten

We had no gas and electric service yesterday. Every time the wind blows in this neighborhood, our power goes out. I absolutely am too spoiled to do without electricity. All there was to do around here was to read or do puzzles by candlelight. We ended up going to the movies last night in hopes …

Links added

Just added some links to my site. I’m a puzzle and game fanatic. So, Popcap Games and All Star Puzzles are must haves on my favorites list. Also, have added a vegetarian site and a few political sites. I’ll try to chill out on the embittered rants about the war. Or, at least be a …

Master of Horrors

Brought to you by the same masters of horror who wrote The Bible and The Koran, comes the new bestseller God Is Gonna’ Get Medieval on Your Sorry Sinnin’ Ass. Personally, I have no fear of God. I don’t think God is out to get anyone. I think he is way too lazy for that. …

Guise of Polit eness

Then you should say what you mean,” the March Hare went on. “I do,” Alice hastily replied; “at least-at least I mean what I say-that’s the same thing, you know.” “Not the same thing a bit!” said the Hatter. -from Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll I am fascinated by dishonesty in the guise of …