Year archives: 2003

About Popcorn

In order to be fair, I should tell you here that we attempted to watch About Schmidt four different times over the past three weeks. We were having a problem with our cable television, and couldn’t get the pay-per-view function to work. I had to call the cable company repeatedly about this, which means I …

Nobody Doesn’t Like Er… Big Boobies?

Sean mentions here that Sara Lee owns Playtex. While it is just a wee bit dastardly to promote a pencil-thin body image for women in your bra advertisements and then turn around and offer them a big ol’ cheesecake to eat, I don’t see a conflict of interests there. On the other hand, if Sara …

Bob or John?

Reading Jules post this morning reminded me of a conversation I had with a friend soon after John Denver’s death in 1997. I said to Billy, “Did you know John Denver died?” He said something like, “Oh that’s awful.” After a few minutes of my rambling on about how much it sucked that the world …

Powered Up

It’s rainy here today, and I still have electricity in my house. I feel there must be some mistake. I should call the bastards at LG&E to express my confusion at this new phenomenon, but I think I’ll just revel instead. This guy could convey my amazement at having power better than I can. He …

So Long, and Thanks for All the Books

Douglas Adams died in 2001, and I’m still aggravated about it. Couldn’t he have waited to die until it was more convenient for his readers? In fact, while reading the introduction to The Salmon of Doubt, the untimeliness of his death rudely slapped me with a wet towel and made me cry. The Salmon of …

Got Trees?

I used to love to sit in my tree-house and read as a child. Actually it wasn’t so much a tree-house as a board laid across some branches, but hey it worked for me. Maybe that early communion with nature is the reason I get so pissed off that Bush is getting ready to sell …