Year archives: 2003

You Sleep, I’ll Keep Watch

I’m excited about taking my daughter to the state fair tomorrow, or rather, in about ten hours. I’m also upset, as usual, over the sorry assed state of the nation. So, I can’t sleep. I’ll probably be up all night reading other web-logs, alternately laughing and getting pissed off. I just read a comment on …

I Wish I Was Surprised

I’d like to be one of the folks who thinks Bush had good motives in starting the second gulf war. Unfortunately, I never did think that. Therefore, this did not shock me in the least. It saddened me, but did not shock me. By the way, read up on Ann Coulter’s new book here.

Christmas at K-mart

It’s nowhere near Christmas, I know, but bear with me on this one. I want to share with you one of the most traumatic experiences of my life in retail. What a catchy book title for my upcoming memoirs that would make! My Life in Retail: A Loser’s Story – do you think it would …


Argh. I had a link on my site to the “euphemism generator”, which when I created a link to it was just a funny text generator. When I clicked on it just now, it was oh so offensive. DEEP APOLOGIES TO ANYONE WHO CLICKED ON IT.

*Krazy Kroger Guy

I was shopping at Kroger about a week ago when I heard a FOX news broadcast over the intercom in the store. As soon as I got home, I filled out Kroger’s on-line suggestion form to complain about hearing biased news in their store while I’m in there spending $200 on groceries. I did not …


Today is a sad day for my wardrobe. I must cease wearing my favorite pair of holey jeans, because they have an ever growing hole in the crotch that now extends out far enough on my back upper leg to almost fully expose my right ass cheek whenever I sit down. Although I am in …