Let’s Get Physical

Summer is coming, and that means I only have a few weeks to get myself looking presentable enough to wear shorts without inspiring people to throw up on me. When I get people-throwing-up-on-me-fat, I do weight training in the relative privacy of my own home. This has both good and bad aspects. The benefits of …

Wrappers and Coupons and Stubs – Oh My!

Stace at Daymented was searching for Midol in her purse and found some ancient candy there, which prompted her to ask her readers to pour out their purses and describe the contents they found therein. So, here’s a list for ya, Stace. My garbage dump of a purse contained the following junk: $30 dollars in …

The Passion of Andy Rooney

I’ve thought Mel Gibson should be brutally crucified ever since I sat through What Women Want. So, if Mel’s new movie, The Passion of the Christ, actually had Mel in the starring role, I’d have to go see it. As it is, I’m undecided on the matter. For one thing, I know going in that …

The Big C and Me

Being lost searching for various amusements in a strange city is no fun. Driving behind a person who is lost and driving 5-10 miles under the speed limit so that she doesn’t miss a sign that could indicate where the hell she might be is also no fun. In fact, it’s annoying. That’s one of …

Kentucky Shuffles Uneasily

If you live near Cincinnati, it’s likely that you just heard the whole city breathe a unified sigh of relief. Apparently there are over 331,825 Cincinnatians, and my husband and I managed to annoy each and every one of them during our brief stay. So, if you were privy to this audible sigh but wondered …

Karma: Paybacks Are a Bitch

Imagine if you will that you have a crazy person in your charge. You are completely responsible for her care and her overall well being. In the past, she has attempted to pick up a bloody rag that was lying in a gutter, she has put a bead into her nose, and she has made …