Testing My Husband’s Love

I don’t even know how I did it, really. I was knitting and drinking a soda and reaching for something else with another of my tentacles and somehow I knocked the television remote onto the hardwood floor. This wasn’t the first time the remote had been knocked into the floor, but all too sadly, it …

Just Like Kafka – Only Not at All Like Kafka

I awakened in the middle of the night with the kind of hangover which can only be caused by too much tequila and a “Sci-Fi Original Movie” entitled “Mansquito”, so here I am. I’m eating a banana and drinking some water, and I intend to type until one of these remedies begins to work for …

Dear Benevolent Dictator

Beth has set herself up as a benevolent dictator. She’s pregnant, so she can do that sort of thing. She said so herself. I wouldn’t dream of cutting in on her territory. Firstly, I don’t think she’s quite so pregnant that she can’t lift her leg to kick my ass. Secondly, she hasn’t tried to …

Curiouser and Curiouser

As my just desserts for ignoring my blog and not making time to visit your blogs, I just got a near fatal whiff of karmic tea. It would seem the answer to “What’s that smell?” is, in this case, “The tea I’ve had sitting at my computer desk for over a week.” Let this be …

I Love My Gay Husband

Nothing says “I love you” like a stuffed turtle you knit yourself, right? ‘Cause that’s what my husband got for Valentine’s Day. It wasn’t my idea. He asked for it, so I made it for him. Obviously, my husband is gay and was searching for the best way to spring it on me, and the …