Condom Sense

“When authorities warn you of the sinfulness of sex, there is a lesson to be learned. Don’t have sex with the authorities.” – Matt Groenig I have a daughter and I don’t want President Bush to make her decisions about parenthood and contraception. Especially when his apparent view on the matter is abstinence. I’ve no …

We Should Build a Fart Shelter

We had beans tonight. I won’t say who the culprit was, but one of us farted. It smelled bad enough that we all had to step onto the back porch to escape it. I think we all need fartypants for nights when beans are served. Here’s a great website dedicated to fart facts and trivia. …

My Giant Head

“I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and bright! And I pity Any girl who isn’t me tonight.” – from West Side Story (Lyrics by Stephen Sondheim) My head is huge. When I need new frames for my eyeglasses, I’m almost embarassed for the optomotrist to measure the distance between my …

101 Things

1. I love to sing, especially with my daughter, Charlotte. 2. I am a vegetarian. 3. I am in love with my husband, Michael. 4. We have been friends for 19 years. 5. My girlhood dream of marriage never involved me walking down an aisle. 6. I wanted to get married in a hot air …

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Nose

Bewitched is being re-aired on TV Land. Unlike The Brady Bunch, Bewitched doesn’t need a laugh track. You know where the funny parts are, because they are actually funny. What a concept. I intend not to miss an episode. But, I do have a couple of concerns regarding my favorite t.v. family. One thing that …

Tight Squeeze

I took my daughter, Charlotte to Kentucky Kingdom today. We rode a couple of roller-coasters. The seat on the wooden coaster was pretty small. I almost had to grease myself up to get out of the seat when the ride was over. It makes me wonder if we should have gotten ice cream afterward. I …