Year archives: 2003


This is one of those subjects that hits close to home for me. That’s why I’ve put off writing about it. I don’t want to come off as flippant or nonchalant about an issue that means a lot both to me and to people close to me. But, if ever there was a time to …

Pair of Tens

There is a level of poker playing that I will never be able to reach, and I’m ok with that. Poker becomes a Zen thing at a certain point. The cards no longer matter. The other guy either is bluffing you or he isn’t, but it doesn’t matter either way, because you have become one …

Don’t Go Breaking My Heart, Elton

I’m so jealous of Ellen Degeneres. On her talk show today she got to lie on the piano while Elton John played “Can You Feel the Love Tonight.” I could die. Can you imagine how amazing that would be? You’d be able to feel the vibrations from every note. Oh. My. God. So, here’s my …

Decisions, Decisions

Michael wants to wear a bio-hazard suit for Halloween, which is cool, of course, but it leaves me with the question of what I can now dress up as that would be suitable accompaniment. I’ve thought of three things so far. 1. A Zombie I’m a big Resident Evil fan, so naturally when I think …

Dress You Up

We went Halloween costume shopping today. I believe the best costumes are usually of the home-made variety, but we were looking around anyway. While we were in the costume shop, I noticed adult-sized Raggedy Ann and Andy costumes. This got me to thinking about the things we do for love. Obviously, if a man is …

Send in the Clowns…Don’t Bother They’re Here

My experience of communicating with people here on the web is generally a positive one. People like her and him, and him and her brighten up my day whenever they drop in to visit. I usually like getting feedback, or I would have shut off comments by now. So, please keep in mind while reading …